First donator of the Dance Journey, CNP Assurances confirms its support for the third consecutive year! Thanks to this renewed commitment, the Dance Journey is taking on a national scope. In addition to being offered in the Ile-de-France region, it will be deployed in the South of France from March. A total of 260 sick and disabled children will take part in this program based on the practice of dance.

By contributing to the prevention and promotion of health and well-being, particularly among young people and vulnerable people, CNP Assurances' corporate philanthropy initiatives illustrate the company's commitment to equal opportunity, a vector for a more inclusive society where everyone can find their place. In this context, since 2021, CNP Assurances has been working alongside the Culturespaces Foundation by supporting the Dance Journey.
Aimed specifically at sick and disabled children, the Dance Journey is an Artistic and Cultural Education program (EAC) whose objective is to familiarize these children with art, thanks to a sensory approach and physical expression through the practice of dance. The program is designed for children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old whose school level corresponds to the classes from CP to CM2. However, we open the program to young people with disabilities, aged 12 and over, as they have a school level that does not correspond to their biological age.
The support of CNP Assurances helps the Fondation Culturespaces in :
- Designing, in 2021, this program around the architecture and permanent collections of the Musée Jacquemart-André (Paris), initially for children with disabilities.
- Deploying, in 2022, this program around the digital exhibitions projected at the Atelier des Lumières (Paris) and to open it to hospitalized children.
In 2023, CNP Assurances' re-commitment will enable the Culturespaces Foundation to maintain these two programs and to develop a Dance Journey in the gardens of the Hôtel de Caumont (Aix-en-Provence).
New this year: four inclusive dance companies are joining the Dance Journey with the intervention of several professional dancers specialized in working with disabled/ill people.
The danced routes around the Jacquemart-André Museum and the Atelier des Lumières are structured in several times:
- Stage 1: a time to acquire knowledge thanks to an educational workshop, led by a cultural mediator from the Culturespaces Foundation in the children's structure, to give them the necessary reading keys and prepare them for the visit of either the Musée Jacquemart-André or the Atelier des Lumières.
- Stage 2: a time of discovery of the Musée Jacquemart-André (visit led by the mediator) and the Atelier des Lumières (an independent visit of the immersive digital exhibition "Chagall, Paris - New York").
- Stage 3: a creative time through the practice of dance, within the structure, led by a professional dancer. This workshop aims to make the link between either the architectural heritage (Musée Jacquemart-André) or the artist Chagall (Atelier des Lumières) discovered during the first two stages.
- Stage 4: a time of sharing and restitution through the practice of dance in situ (in the Music Salon of the Musée Jacquemart-André or in a delimited space within the hall of the Atelier des Lumières) with the dance mediator. This last step allows to rediscover a space, to give it life, thanks to a certain physical occupation of it.
The "Dance Journey" in the Southern Region allows children to discover the French gardens of the Hôtel de Caumont through their senses. This tour "in movement" of 1h30 animated by a professional dancer promotes the observation and sensitive perception of natural elements to allow learning through the sensations of his own body. fter having walked through the gardens, children will move to the sound of the fauna and flora contemplated. A playful way to understand nature and the art of landscaping, by reproducing its forms, by appropriating the elements.
In 2023, 260 children will take part in the "Dance Journey", including 160 in Ile-de-France and 100 in the South of France, aged from 5 to 18 years old, in :
- Structures for children with motor, psychic, mental or ASD disabilities;
- Schools hosting inclusive school systems;
- Hospital pediatric services.
On behalf of the children who benefit from the "Dance Journey", we would like to thank CNP Assurances for its invaluable commitment to our cause!
Le parcours dansé à l'Atelier des Lumières - Fondation Culturespaces from Fondation Culturespaces on Vimeo.